Wednesday, August 21, 2013

RECIPE for Homemade Yogurt

  • Talking about food, I just remembered my homemade yogurt in the oven. It is super easy to make. All you need are these two ingredients:
  • 4 cups of whole milk & 1-2 tbsp. of plain yogurt (I like the Greek one)
  • I pour about 4 cups of whole milk in a saucepan (no need to measure), set my stove on 9 (3 o’clock) and the timer for 5 minutes. DO NOT LEAVE! Stick around and wait until the milk rises to the top once. Take the saucepan off the element, set your timer to 45 minutes after which the milk should have cooled down enough for you to stir in 1-2 tbsp. of plain yogurt that you bought at your favourite grocery store. Pour milk into a bowl, cover with plastic wrap or clean shower cap, and place in oven overnight with oven light on. If you make it in the morning, the yogurt should be ready in about six hours. You can use 2% milk, but the yogurt will be a little runnier. Scoop off the extra liquid if you want to--my sister-in-law, Lydia, drinks it.
  • My niece, Helga Pankonin, and I, have been taking Indian cooking classes close to home, and this is how Anu makes yogurt. Enjoy!
  • Namaste, (salutation originating from the Hindus)


This photo was not in the plan, but here it is anyway--taken in our garden, with Peter, before I lost my hair...

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