Monday, October 14, 2013

Leavenworth, WA, USA, etc.

PEDEGOest I will go...and we are off to Leavenworth with our trailer. Our 8th and last camping trip for the year. 
Wed. Oct. 2 to Mon. Oct. 7, 2013. 
Hadn't been here in many years...
They were celebrating the "Festival of the Leaves."
 We found ourselves a lovely spot in the woods by a river three miles out of town... the Icicle River
 What would life be without colour...?
...or friends...? 
Mel and Anita Penner from Abbotsford, BC.
They told us about the MCC relief sale in Ritzville.  And so Saturday...
 ...on our way to Ritzville...
 ...we saw fields of corn and acres and acres of apple trees, pear trees and vineyards. 
Our aim was to attend the MCC sale in Ritzville...a 2.5 hour drive.

 Follow the sign, and you will get to...
 ...the Menno Mennonite Church.
 Drive until the pavement ends...
 ...find a parking spot in a farmers field...
 ...and enjoy some Swiss Mennonite Food.
The quilts were in a tent, and the quilters were busy quilting outdoors. 
The auctioneer did a fantastic job...
...and...some people found themselves the perfect spot... 
Peter and Mel. 
Mel and Anita have attended and volunteered many times.
After an enjoyable day, it was time to drive back to our camping spot at Leavenworth.
Interesting landscape...
Sunday we drove to Lake Chelan, and as we walked thorough the lovely town on Chelan...would you believe I found PEDEGO'S sister!--or brother...
Looks very good in red as well...Blue PEDEGO, don't get jealous now...

Time to eat again...we found a lovely spot for lunch...
...with a view of Lake Chelan.

And then a walk in the park

Boat races on Lake Chelan
And now...something else caught our attention... was time for coffee, but... order to cross the busy street, we had to walk across holding up this green flag as a warning sign.
Ahhhhhhhh, so good!
And then it was off to the Ohme Gardens
A much needed rest after climbing stone steps.
There goes Peter...never enough!
And...I'm still resting while Peter climbed some more steps...
Our drive home was lovely...
I just couldn't get enough of those autumn colours.

So ended our little trip to Leavenworth, WA. USA 
"It's been a slice."

But...tomorrow... it's back to reality: Round #6. After that I get a two month break before I start on a two year maintenance program. Which means that every two months I go into Vancouver for chemo, and one overnighter instead of two.

We have had a wonderful Thanksgiving...and I hope you did too.


  1. It looks like a nice trip to Leavenworth, a place that I would like to someday go. We were 'just across the border' at Osoyoos the weekend before, on the way to Nelson to visit my brother and sister in law, who live way up on the mountain. That is sure a hilly town! Lots of grapes and apples in Osoyoos and area too. Best wishes for this week, Hilda. Mary

  2. Hallo Hilda!
    Es sieht so schön aus, der Herbst, die farbigen Bäumen und die wunderschöne Landschaft!!! Wir sind auch mit euch gereist, haben natürlich nur die Bilder gesehen aber scööön!!! Heinrich hat sich auch gefreut wieder von dir was zu sehen und lesen! Ihm geht es einiger massen gut. die Knieen wollen nicht. Wir haben auch unser Garten abgeerntet, nur noch 2 letzte Kürbise und ein paar Pflaumen. Eigentlich ist jede Jahreszeit schön, aber wir vermissen die Sonne und die Wärme. aber Geduld geduld, alles hat seine Zeit! Wünschen dir eine gesegnete Woche, liebe Hilda! Grüße Peter!
    Heinrich u Lena

  3. Perfect time of the year to visit Leavenworth...and how fun to take in an MCC sale in Ritzville. I am smiling as I remember our visit to Ritzville two years ago...and the souvenir we brought back! (Blogged about it here:

    Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Now I'll add your blog to my reading list!

  4. What a wonderful tour. I love this time of year and you have captured it so well. Each day I'm running outside with my camera taking the same old photos over and over and exclaiming how beautiful they are. "The heavens declare the glory of God." We've enjoyed our bikes so much more this fall with the beautiful colors and the rustling leaves. OYE OYE!

    1. Sounds good. Let us know when you cycle this way, and we will get the coffee ready.
